Putting My Experience
to Work
I was born and raised in North Carolina. I grew up in Fair Bluff, North Carolina and moved to Raleigh, North Carolina in 1998. I am a 1998 graduate of UNC Pembroke and a 2008 graduate of North Carolina Central University School of Law.
Throughout my career, I have represented clients in Federal and State courts in civil, family, and criminal matters. I have also served as a mediator and parent coordinator. I am running for District Court Judge because I believe my commitment to our community, consistency in the rule of law, and compassion toward all will be an asset to the citizens and attorneys of Wake County.
Regardless of whether I am representing a party or working on a case as a certified mediator or arbitrator, I am committed to resolving disputes efficiently and fairly. I have litigated hundreds of bench trials in the Wake County District and Superior Courts. I have a strong command of the law and work diligently to stay abreast of any changes to the law that may affect the citizens of Wake County.
As a District Court Judge, I will ensure that litigants understand that while I may empathize with the situation which led them to court, I must apply the law as written and interpreted by case law.